[UniversalControl Update] 3.6.4 Milestone Release Notes 음향장비
컨텐츠 정보
- 8,275 조회
- 4 추천
☈ Version information
✓ Universal Control (Mac/PC) - v3.6.4.87069
✓ UC Surface (OS/Android) - v3.6.4.87069
✓ QMix-UC (IOS/Android) - v3.6.4.87069
✓ Capture (Mac/PC) - v3.1.0.54974
✓ Studio Series (1824c) firmware - v3.11
✓ Studio 192/ Studio 192 Mobile firmware - v1.8-44 / 1.29
✓ Revelator Firmware v1.51
✓ Revelator Dynamic Firmware v1.14
☈ Supported OS Versions
✓ OS X 10.13.6 (High Sierra) or later
✓ Windows 10 (x64) v1709 or later (Windows 11 supported in this release)
✓ Android 6.0 Marshmallow or later
✓ iOS 10 or later
☈ Fixed In This Release
✓ Firmware update to prevent preamp noise in Studio 1824c under certain bootup conditions
✓ Studio 192 control panel in Universal Control no longer crashes when muting all channels of mixes
✓ Studio 192 added an error message to MacOS about invalid clock source (macOS 12.3 or higher)
✓ Revelator Dynamic - minor bug fixes and improvements
✓ Revelator - fixes an issue where firmware update 1.50 in UC 3.6.3 causes Revelator to no longer be seen by Universal Control 3.6.3.
☈ Known Issues: Series III DAW Mode
✓ When viewing a send or cue mix, send labels should be placed in the scribble strips
✓ Incorrect preamp gain range on mixer display when using TRS inputs
✓ Meters don't match between DAW mode and Mixer mode
✓ Channel parameters may not populate in Fat Channel after opening song
✓ Series III Automation Control: Bypass Button Not Present
✓ Newly added Plugin not automatically selected and controls not on FatCh Encoder section if another Plugin wasn't already selected when adding the new Plugin
✓ Talkback Button Does Not Light Up In UCS When Engaged From S1
✓ Channel Input Does Not Have Selection For "None"
✓ Unity Fader Value Is Not Accurate
✓ There Is No Way To Remove A Channel Insert
✓ Write Select Channel Should Turn Red Like FaderPort 8 & 16
✓ Pressing the Inputs layer button should open the Inputs section in S1 Console
✓ Adding Send while viewing Sends view doesn't update fader level
✓ Select Buttons For Multi-Channel Instrument Outputs Do Not Light Up
✓ On Big Sur 11.2, control of Logic or other DAWs via MIDI
✓ On Big Sur 11.2 scribble strip displays render incorrectly
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